
Watch the following video:


1) We tend to know life when we see it. How do we define life? What things do we look for to determine if something is alive?

2) What is inside a virus?

3) Is a virus alive? What does it do when it is left alone?

4) When does a virus seem to come to life? Explain, in detail. Be sure to discuss fusion, endocytosis, and injection of genetic material in your answer.

5) Provide a labelled diagram that explains what you talked about in question 4.

6) What happens once a virus gets inside a cell?

7) What happens once a virus has used all of a cell’s resources?

8) When some viruses exit a cell they take some of a cell’s membrane with them. Why?

9) Why don’t we like retroviruses?

10) A provirus can enter a person’s germ cell. Why is this a bad thing?

11) What percent of the human genome (our genetic material) come from viruses?

12) What happens when a virus uses horizontal transfer?

13) Why are viruses seen as a smarter form of life?

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