
Watch the following video:


1) People see bacteria as a bad thing. List three bad things associated with bacteria.

2) What is an infection?

3) How can bacteria be a good thing?

4) How many bacteria do we have on each of our human cells? How much of our body mass is bacteria?

5) In bacteria there is no membrane surrounding the DNA. Explain. In addition to your explanation, provide a labeled diagram.

6) Bacteria is a more successful organism than organisms that are eukaryotes (like us). Explain.

7) If a comet were to hit the Earth, what would likely happen?

8) Bacteria are prokaryotes. What does this mean?

9) Bacteria have a form of sexual reproduction. Explain. In addition to your explanation, provide a labeled diagram.

10) Who is Alexander Fleming? Explain what, and how, he made his discovery.

11) We are living in symbiosis with bacteria. What does this mean?

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